Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base
Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
The topic of this Philosophy Boxes download is ‘Growing Up & Puberty’. It is one of a series of PSHE-P4C sessions designed for KS2-4 PSHE students. The download comprises a P4C lesson/session that can be used multiple times with the same group.
The Philosophy Boxes Method is a new approach to PSHE designed for students in KS2-4: it is graphically stimulating, engaging, and fun. This download is also suitable for older students: but the format was designed with younger students in mind. In this context: ‘Philosophy Boxes’ represents a more student-centred ‘debate & discussion’ approach to PSHE issues.
The aim of our ‘Philosopy Boxes’ PSHE sessions is to bring deep, critical thinking to PSHE, exploring PSHE using P4C (Philosophy for Children) debates and discussions. One advantage to the method is that it helps students to practice their social skills through the activities.
The Philosophy Boxes Method presents students with a set of ‘mystery boxes’, when a student selects one of the boxes they are presented with 1 of 21 discussion/debate activities (in 8 different formats).
The presentation has integrated AfL so that teachers can test knowledge at any point in the lesson. There are 10 different AfL slides to choose from.
The design is colourful, animated, fun and engaging: all activities require movement and teachers can decide whether students are expressing their ideas purely verbally or by using post-it notes.
The nature of the design is that it can be used for short sessions (5-10 minutes) or much longer sessions (up to 2 hours!) - it allows for classroom practitioners to be flexible and adaptable. It can, therefore, be used in lessons or as a tutor-time activity.
Choose from out complete selection of our ‘Philosophy Boxes’ PSHE lessons here.
You can also save money by purchasing lessons as a complete 20-session collection here!
The topic of this Philosophy Boxes download is ‘Harmful Substances’ (covering alcohol, smoking, prescription medication, domestic products and addictive drugs). It is one of a series of PSHE-P4C sessions designed for KS2-4 PSHE students. The download comprises a P4C lesson/session that can be used multiple times with the same group.
The Philosophy Boxes Method is a new approach to PSHE designed for students in KS2-4: it is graphically stimulating, engaging, and fun. This download is also suitable for older students: but the format was designed with younger students in mind. In this context: ‘Philosophy Boxes’ represents a more student-centred ‘debate & discussion’ approach to PSHE issues.
The aim of our ‘Philosopy Boxes’ PSHE sessions is to bring deep, critical thinking to PSHE, exploring PSHE using P4C (Philosophy for Children) debates and discussions. One advantage to the method is that it helps students to practice their social skills through the activities.
The Philosophy Boxes Method presents students with a set of ‘mystery boxes’, when a student selects one of the boxes they are presented with 1 of 21 discussion/debate activities (in 8 different formats).
The presentation has integrated AfL so that teachers can test knowledge at any point in the lesson. There are 10 different AfL slides to choose from.
The design is colourful, animated, fun and engaging: all activities require movement and teachers can decide whether students are expressing their ideas purely verbally or by using post-it notes.
The nature of the design is that it can be used for short sessions (5-10 minutes) or much longer sessions (up to 2 hours!) - it allows for classroom practitioners to be flexible and adaptable. It can, therefore, be used in lessons or as a tutor-time activity.
Choose from out complete selection of our ‘Philosophy Boxes’ PSHE lessons here.
You can also save money by purchasing lessons as a complete 20-session collection here!
This printable workbook is suitable for homework, classwork or distance learning: it will help your students to get more from watching documentaries and videos. This colourful printable booklet includes ten learning sessions spread over twenty pages. You could also just print a couple of pages from this workbook to create a worksheet for an instant video-learning lesson: ideal for cover lessons!
This teaching resource is designed for GCSE Dance and deals with a broad range of relevant topics. The workbook is suitable for all specifications.
The workbook includes links to ten different documentaries or lengthily videos and straight-forward note-taking and comprehension activities so as to structure and foster engagement with the documentary whilst enhancing student learning.
The twenty-page workbook was designed with homework in mind and contains ten different homework sessions. I would suggest using the booklet as a simple way to take care of ‘every other homework’ and use it to supplement your other approaches to homework: just print the booklets out and give them to your students. You can also use the booklets just as well in a classroom setting and they are incredibly easy to use such that even a non-specialist cover-teacher could make use of them. They’re also an ideal way to bolster your distance learning provisions in times of student absence.
Over time some of the links in this workbook might expire, I’ll try to update them from time to time but the workbook is easy to edit - so make sure you check that the links still work before printing and update any broken/defunct links that might crop-up! I’ve done my best to include links to the best videos available for this topic: teachers should ensure that the video links included are suitable for their specific classes.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2020)
This collection of six learning sessions (each lasting 40-60 minutes) includes an exciting array of presentations and worksheets on the following topics:
What Your Brain Needs to Develop
Water & Metacognition
Sleep & Metacognition
Nutrition for Brain Development & Boosting
Exercise, Fitness & Metacognition
Emotions, Mental Health & Metacognition
Each session encourages students to reflect on how different lifestyle factors impact their learning power both in the short-term and the long-term.
We offer a range of whole-school metacognition resources that aim to enhance metacognitive skills and strategies in students aged 11-16. You can download individual resources or buy our ‘Whole School Metacognition Toolkits’ that make establishing a whole-school metacognition initiative easy.
Our resources specialise in:
Boosting Learning-Power
Teaching Metacognitive Skills & Strategies
Increasing Metacognitive Power (Intelligence, Memory etc.)
These resources are made and distributed in partnership with The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
The download comprises 20 X PSHE lessons/sessions that can be used multiple times with the same group.
The method uses a selection of debate and discussion activities to explore PSHE issues for KS2-4 students.
The Philosophy Boxes Method is a new approach to PSHE designed for students in KS2-4: it is graphically stimulating, engaging, and fun. This download is also suitable for older students: but the format was designed with younger students in mind. In this context: 'Philosophy Boxes' represents a more student-centred 'debate & discussion' approach to PSHE issues.
The aim of our 'Philosopy Boxes' PSHE sessions is to bring deep, critical thinking to PSHE, exploring PSHE using P4C (Philosophy for Children) debates and discussions. One advantage to the method is that it helps students to practice their social skills through the activities.
The Philosophy Boxes Method presents students with a set of 'mystery boxes', when a student selects one of the boxes they are presented with 1 of 21 discussion/debate activities (in 8 different formats).
The presentation has integrated AfL so that teachers can test knowledge at any point in the lesson. There are 10 different AfL slides to choose from.
The design is colourful, animated, fun and engaging: all activities require movement and teachers can decide whether students are expressing their ideas purely verbally or by using post-it notes.
The nature of the design is that it can be used for short sessions (5-10 minutes) or much longer sessions (up to 2 hours!) - it allows for classroom practitioners to be flexible and adaptable. It can, therefore, be used in lessons or as a tutor-time activity.
The download comprises 19 X PSHE lessons/sessions that can be used multiple times with the same group. It also contains the editable template that allows you to make your own PHILOSOPHY BOXES sessions.
The method uses a selection of debate and discussion activities to explore PSHE issues for KS2 and KS3 students.
This download is designed to be a significant component of any primary school’s PSHE provision.
The Philosophy Boxes Method is a new approach to P4C designed for students in KS2 & 3: it is graphically stimulating, engaging, and fun. This download is also suitable for older students: but the format was designed with younger students in mind. In this context: ‘Philosophy Boxes’ represents a more student-centred ‘debate & discussion’ approach to PSHE issues.
The aim of Philosophy Boxes is to bring philosophy and critical thinking into every subject at every level: we believe that any subject becomes philosophy when students are asked the right questions and when they think about a topic hard enough and on the deepest (most fundamental) level.
The Philosophy Boxes Method presents students with a set of ‘mystery boxes’, when a student selects one of the boxes they are presented with 1 of 21 discussion/debate activities [that use 1 of 8 different formats].
The presentation has integrated AfL so that teachers can test knowledge at any point in the lesson. There are 10 different AfL slides to choose from.
The design is colourful, animated, fun and engaging: all activities require movement and teachers can decide whether students are expressing their ideas purely verbally or by using post-it notes.
The nature of the design is that it can be used for short sessions (5-10 minutes) or much longer sessions (up to 2 hours!) - it allows for classroom practitioners to be flexible and adaptable. It can, therefore, be used in lessons or as a tutor-time activity.
The download includes a PowerPoint Show; if you would like an editable PPT presentation so that you can make your own ‘Philosophy Boxes’ presentation you will need to download the template here:
A complete selection of Philosophy Boxes lessons can be found here:
.Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle contains 5 revision sessions, designed to cover the ‘Health’ section of the new AQA Sociology specification.
The revision sessions feature:
-A ‘grid of learning’ post-it task (to focus students on the day’s topic and refresh their memories of the basics)
-A 'competitive mind-mapping task (which can be completed on the whiteboard or on A3 paper)
-A silent debate task (with 6 x A3 silent debate worksheets in an editable .doc file) [nb. allowing group conversation, instead of silence, is also an effective approach]
-Debates that ask students to move from one side of the room or the other and verbalise a defence of their position in response to a statement or rubric.
-A concluding ‘One thing I am still uncertain about…’ post-it question.
Each session follows the same format, they can be:
-Used as revision sessions during a revision period of term-time leading up to exams
-Sandwiched between lessons as they are taught throughout the year as a way of solidifying and assessing learning
Please note: the cover picture depicts some of the activities that make up this revision session, the wording within those tasks is adapted to the topic specified above and may differ from the wording depicted. Contents and tasks may vary slightly between revision sessions. The cover photo is, however, a fair depiction of the contents of the lesson.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2017) [Godwin86]
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Business Studies Teachers. It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
A subject specific resource
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
Download this free starter activity today!
This 5-10 minute starter activity helps students to reflect on how lifestyle choices can have a long-term impact on learning-power. Each slide asks a relevant question, students move around the room to indicate their responses: skilful teacher can then use questioning to explore the issues in greater depth.
How To Use:
Simply run the included PowerPoint Show
Use questioning to explore how lifestyle choices impact learning-power
What’s Included:
A PowerPoint Show
This metacognition activity is brought to you by The Global Metacognition Institute (
All resources can be shared, but users agree not to modify or resell this resource.
You can find more metacognition teaching resources at
A selection of twenty of our new ‘Fun Philosophy Lessons’ for the PSHE curriculum!
This collection features our ready-to-use lessons is ideal for bringing philosophical thinking and critical thinking into your lessons. The sessions are designed for students aged 8-16. They explore a variety of philosophical and ethical issues that relate to PSHE.
This download uses our innovative new ‘Fun Philosophy Lessons’ format for philosophy education, you can download a FREE SAMPLE by clicking here.
These new philosophy & ethics teaching resources use this multi-use interactive format: each one can be used multiple times with the same group and feature an integrated interactive menu that allows teachers to select from many different learning and assessment activities!
Our ‘Fun Philosophy Lessons’ cannot be edited: they are non-editable PowerPoint Shows that are ready to use!
This new series of ‘Fun Philosophy Lessons’ was designed and edited by an experienced teacher of philosophy and ethics who has a master’s degree in philosophy.
These lessons cannot be editted.
Key-words: PSHE teaching resources, PSHE lessons, health and wellbeing activities, relationships education materials, mental health resources, healthy lifestyle worksheets, consent and boundaries lessons, financial literacy activities, career planning resources, substance misuse teaching, digital literacy lessons, online safety activities, bullying prevention materials, emotional wellbeing tools, self-esteem building exercises, environmental sustainability resources, democracy education worksheets, human rights teaching, critical thinking activities, stress management techniques, first aid in schools, time management lessons, family and friendships lessons, managing conflict tools, media literacy teaching, climate change education, resilience and coping strategies, personal development resources.
This ‘Fun Philosophy Lesson’ is focused on philosophical and ethical issues that relate sports and games. It’s ideal for PE and Sports teachers to use with students aged 8-16 in order to help them understand the importance of sports and games on a deeper level.
This download uses our innovative new format for philosophy education, you can download a FREE SAMPLE by clicking here. It is one of over fifty new philosophy & ethics teaching resources that uses this format. The resource cannot be edited.
This interactive multi-use learning session is useful as a part of your school’s Physical Education provision and is of particular interest to teachers of PE and sports it focuses on a wide range of topics such as:
The value and purpose of sports & games
The psychological and moral benefits of playing sports
The importance of sports for wider society
Ethical issues and debates relating to sports
The nature of ‘good sportsmanship’
We’ve aimed to cover as many issues as possible when it comes to finding engaging philosophical and ethical issues for young learners to debate and discuss in relation to sports!
The big question asked in this session is “What would a world without sports be like?”. Using a variety of engaging activities students will discuss and debate a wide range of other philosophical and ethical questions such as:
“A person who takes up a sport is likely to have a better life as a result”
“The psychological benefits of playing sports are more important than the physical ones”
“There should be a separate Olympics in which performance enhancing drugs are allowed”
“Men and women should compete together instead of separately”
“Watching other people play sports is a waste of time.”
“In sports, winning is all that matters.”
Students will also analyse and evaluate an eclectic mix of philosophical and ethical claims such as:
What personality traits can be cultivated by playing sports?
When, if ever, is it morally acceptable to cheat in games, sports, and in life?
What value, if any, do violent sports have in comparison with non-violent sports?
To what extent are professional sportspeople are paid too much?
How do sports reflect societal values?
This session uses our unique format for philosophy teaching resources and features an integrated menu that allows teachers to select from a variety of starter, main, plenary, assessment and end-of-lesson reflection activities.
The file is a non-editable PowerPoint Show: no planning or preparation is required, just run the file and the intuitive menu system will make delivering a powerful philosophy session very easy!
This bundle contains 20 zero-prep philosophy & ethics lessons that explore a wide variety of ethical issues. The collection of ethics teaching resources is perfect for whole school SMSC education: it is designed for students aged 8-16 (KS2 &KS3).
The sessions explore ethics in fundmanetal terms as well as a huge variety of applied moral issues (such as animal ethics, environmentalism, bullying, and ethical internet use, etc).
This download uses our innovative new format for philosophy education, you can download a FREE SAMPLE by clicking here.
These new philosophy & ethics teaching resources this multi-use interactive format: each one can be used multiple times with the same group and feature an integrated interactive menu that allows teachers to select from many different learning and assessment activities!
Our ‘Fun Philosophy Lessons’ cannot be edited: they are non-editable PowerPoint Shows that are ready to use!
This new series of ‘Fun Philosophy Lessons’ was designed and edited by an experienced teacher of philosophy and ethics who has a master’s degree in philosophy.
These lessons cannot be editted.
Key-words: Ethics, morality, moral education, ethical debates, SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural development), values, decision-making, dilemmas, responsibility, integrity, fairness, justice, respect, virtue ethics, consequentialism, deontology, utilitarianism, autonomy, empathy, compassion, cultural relativism, human rights, bioethics, environmental ethics, animal rights, equality, freedom, ethical theories, critical thinking, citizenship, social justice, conflict resolution, philosophy, right vs. wrong, personal responsibility, global issues, ethical decision-making models, community values, tolerance, and controversial topics.
General key-words: P4C, philosophy for children, philosophy lesson plans, philosophical questions, ethical debates, critical thinking skills, Socratic method, classroom philosophy, teaching philosophy to young learners, introducing philosophy, primary philosophy resources, secondary philosophy teaching, philosophy worksheets, philosophy activities, inquiry-based learning, discussion starters, big questions, moral philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics education, philosophical dialogues, argument analysis, logic puzzles, philosophy curriculum, teaching Socrates, Plato in education, teaching Aristotle, creative thinking in philosophy, reasoning skills, reflective thinking, thought experiments, philosophy games, teaching the meaning of life, metaphysical inquiry, student-centred learning, engaging philosophy discussions, teaching critical reflection, and collaborative thinking tasks.
This bundle contains 20 debate generators for various secondary school subjects.
Those buying this bundle are given tacit permission by the author to share with their colleagues in their school (but not outside of your school please!).
This is an ideal purchase for SLT/Heads to encourage critical-thinking, P4C and meta-cognitive thinking around their school. It even includes a Pedagogical Debate Generator that can be used with teachers as a training tool!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a professionally designed Christmas quiz tailor-made for PE teachers to use with their students. It includes a PowerPoint Quiz with 60 well-presented questions and three A4 Christmas crossword worksheets! Answer sheets are provided.
In the quiz, fifty of the questions are Christmas-related and not connected to a specific school-subject: the final ten are subject-specific and deal either with GCSE terminology, KS4 exam specification contents, or “fun facts”.
Completing and peer-marking the 60-question quiz should take the best part of a 1-hour lesson.
The bundle also includes a set of three A4 Christmas Crosswords (with answers).
The crossword worksheets are Christmas themed, all of the clues/answers are Christmas related. These are ‘Christmas Trivia’ crosswords dealing with Christmas-related general knowledge: they are, therefore, suitable for teachers/students of any subject.
This product is suitable for any age-group: differentiation should be achieved by changing team sizes.
The resource is fully editable.
Merry Christmas! <3
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Not for re-distribution.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Biology Teachers. It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
Subject specific resources.
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for PE Teachers. It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
Subject specific resources.
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Design & Technology Teachers! It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
A subject specific resource
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Music Teachers! It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
Subject specific resources
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
Save 50% with our Metacognition Resource Pack for Religious Studies Teachers! It’s ideal for:
Enhancing metacognitive strategies
Improved metacognitive reflection & awareness
Increased learning power
It is of particular interest to department heads looking to improve pedagogy across their team or individual teachers looking to develop their use of metacognition in lessons.
This resource pack includes:
Over twenty metacognition reflection worksheets
Five metacognition knowledge hunt lessons
Subject specific resources.
We’ve also included six free bonus metacognition resources in this pack! All resources are designed for KS3 & KS4 students.
Check our our other metacognition downloads at
You can download our largest bundle, designed for whole-school metacognition initiatives, here!
All resources are copyrighted by and distributed on behalf of The Global Metacognition Institute.
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)